Daniel:I can help you practice English only if you help me learn Chinese.”
当时我把这个“only if”,翻译为“如果”,其实应该翻译为“只有”。
但我没有,所以我回复他:My pleasure.
Daniel:How long have you studied English?
Margaret:Maybe 9 years.But I'm still not good at English,sadly.
Daniel:Ok practicing helps to improve.
Daniel:It doesn’t matter if you believe your good or bad because either way one day you will become good enough.
Daniel:Just need hard work, practice and resilience.
Daniel:Or spot patterns in the language.
Margaret:Yes,you are right.
Daniel:I learn languages by spotting patterns to reduce what I have too remember.
我问他为什么,他只说:“I dunno .Didn’t even notice that.(我不知道,我甚至都没注意到) ”
我的确有时感到无聊,在他滔滔不绝讲述他的理论来教化我时我想让他“shut up(闭嘴)”
Daniel:But I do want to finish it for good and get it published.Because it is nonfiction book with my theories in it.
Daniel:Seriously I think people should be made curious about their own brains.Why they think and what processes govern it.
Margaret:My novel is not of the same type as yours.
Danie天真又得意:I’m a scientist lol.(我是科学家,哈哈哈)
Margaret:Yeah, to be honest, I've always admired scientists.
Daniel:Yeah scientists are the ones who change humans.But half the time don’t care about fame or money.
Margaret:I admire scientists not only because they don't care about fame and fortune, but also because of their wisdom and efforts.
Daniel:Wow you understand scientists haha.
Daniel:That’s me lol.
Daniel:I don’t care about money.
Daniel:I care about technology and helping the world.
Daniel:Most people don’t understand that.
Daniel:They are blinded by greed and insecurity.
Daniel:But in all honesty best recipe for money anyway is creativity, lack of greed and desire to achieve something.
Daniel:If you are blinded by greed you lack means of creating, normally people crave money for fulfilling own sense of desire in society.
Margaret:That's true. But I can't be a scientist, so I hope I can write articles that will change people
Daniel:I’m glad you aren’t blinded by a number in a bank account.
Daniel:And how adding extra zeroes inflates your social status
Daniel:That’s what it’s about
Daniel:They become addicted to it.
Daniel:It makes them feel adequate, powerful.
Daniel:And power releases dopamine.
Daniel:So they don’t want to return to life of: hardship, boredom, inadequacy and don’t want to lose the attention.
Daniel:Lol the science of power hahahaha
Margaret:I'd like to talk to you about my novel, too.
Daniel:Yes I’d like to hear about your novel
Margaret:It's about the desire for control.You know C parents want to control their children.
Daniel:Yea.Also a lot of C people I feel are insecure.
Daniel:But the hard work at school, parenting, lack of emotions, stress, competition and capitalism that’s slowly entering Ccountry.
Daniel:Must have serious affects on young people there.
Margaret:But I think C people are insecure because of C country's international status.
Daniel:Oh yeah history.
Margaret:That's another topic.
Daniel:And the way it’s taught or interpreted affects a countries self esteem.
Daniel:Because national identity because personal.
Daniel:Not just on hands of leaders.
Daniel:Like religion to some people.
Daniel:They formulate so many potential thoughts in it that their entropy is so high that.... they can’t think about alternatives without feeling overloaded or bored.
Margaret:The C people are complicated, I can say.
Daniel:Yeah I know.
Daniel:I don’t claim to underhand 95% of C people I’ve met.
Margaret:My generation is different.
Daniel:I’ve met international students, English C people, Cantonese C people.
Daniel:I’ve spoken to people from H Kong, Mongolia, rural C country.
Daniel:I had friends at school who were B people but families were C people.
Daniel:There are a lot of different C people around now.
Daniel:I’ve met a girl who claimed to be on government sponsorship in B country because of how smart she is
Daniel:And I’ve not understood one of them.
Daniel:But I tried too
Daniel:Like insecurity in uk is very common
Margaret:Take my mother for example, when she was 18 years old, she never thought about what she would do in the future. So I think The Times have created a different kind of C people.
Daniel:But intellect here is associated with how much you can speak.
Daniel:And what you say.
Daniel:So very insecure people come across as confident,but are deeply insecure.
Margaret:But…yes,as you say,and C children are repressed
Daniel:I think parents breed creativity out of them. And in the west people think C people can’t innovate like westerners can I’ve heard that around before.
Daniel:But it isn’t because they are naturally uncreative,it’s because of their upbringings and the effects on their brains permanently.
Daniel:They lose creativity because it makes them feel even more stupid or useless or it bores them.
Daniel:Or they fear their parents punishing them with a stick.
Margaret:You're right
Margaret:I want to chat with you, but I'm going to sleep.
Daniel:Oh do you have wechat?
Daniel:I can speak with you tomorrow on there.
Margaret:Can we continue our conversation tomorrow?
Margaret:of course!